January 28, 2014

Hello, my name is Jordan and this is my blog.  I am a student at The Illinois Institute of Art in Chicago, IL.  I am currently studying Audio Production and Engineering, and will hopefully find work as a recording and mixing engineer.  I am currently exploring career paths in music recording, sound for film, and I have recently become interested in sound and music in video games.

In this blog I will be posting about items that peak my interest.  Mainly, I will focus on topics dealing with music and sound, audio technology, software, instruments, recording equipments and hardware, but I will also post about recording, mixing, mastering and possibly distribution.  In addition to these topics, I will post about my other media interests such as film, television, video games and possibly these ancient relics of the past called "books".  I may even throw in an article about the name of my blog (see hint above).

The purpose of this blog is to share information on the aforementioned topics and to open a dialogue on each in order to discuss ideas, concepts and share cool stuff with like-minded people.  I hope that you enjoy reading these posts and I encourage you to be engaging with any and all discussions on this blog.  But if you Troll me I will find you and  please be considerate of other people's ideas and points of view. 

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